Forty Acres and A Mule Resource Foundation, Inc., best known as FAAAM, is a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organization established to provide a safe haven for formerly incarcerated individuals and their families. FAAAM works to encourage and promote healthy transitions for these individuals with hands-on support that offers awareness, mentorship, and educational resources to provide opportunities for individuals to develop and facilitate healthy and prosperous lifestyles both physically and mentally.

FAAAM is on a mission to stifle systematic racism through prison reformation and provide opportunities for those that once lacked the necessary resources to actually embrace the idea of having a “second chance” by aligning disadvantaged men within our communities with programs centered around their mental, spiritual, physical and financial development. At FAAAM, we are deeply committed to transforming one generation and its effect on other generations. Therefore, we look to assist people right where they are in their crisis without jumping them through hoops. Our passion for the cause can be seen through the various programs that FAAM offers. We hope to continue defining the true meaning of unity through community empowerment, social-economic progression, and self-awareness.


To be a safe haven for our communities to embrace resources that will empower them, while encouraging social-economical progress and mental health awareness


Plowing with Purpose




F.A.A.A.M saved my life… is what founder Willie “Biggs” Freeman says about his non-profit organization whose mission is to assist with the transformation of the Environments that at-risk and disadvantaged people come from. Although he grew up in a traditional Christian home some things are unescapable especially when cycles continue to repeat themselves. In most urban communities outside your front door is the farthest you have to look in order to see the effects of systemic racism, drugs, violence, and lack of guidance which all lead to some form of P.T.S.D   “Post Traumatic Street disorder” and these are all issues that need to be addressed in order to give proper opportunities to the individuals who may suffer from P.T.S.D. Willie is the perfect example of a good kid gone bad and also what hope and God’s purpose can do in a believer’s life, purpose gives the courage to do what’s right. we can either stand together or fall together but we can’t do anything apart.